Club Meeting
Reserve Centre Elgin Edgar Road, Elgin, United KingdomAn informal blether or maybe come along and have a go on one of the HF radios.
An informal blether or maybe come along and have a go on one of the HF radios.
Annual General Meeting 7pm-9pm
Radio + Electronics Surplus EQUIPMENT Sale Free parking, hot snacks, Raffle. 19th April 2025 10am for sellers. Roseisle hall, Elgin. LOCATION Roseisle Village HallCollege of RoseisleElginMorayIV30 5YDWhat 3 words= ///doubt.behave.fictionScan QR...
GB0CSL activation at Covesea Skerries Lighthouse, by kind permission of the trustees. HF station active 10am-4pm (planned) each day. Visitors welcome, Lighthouse tours may be available.
The club will take part in HF Field Day. This will be a portable location TBD
Annual Scouting Radio Event