Xmas Quiz + Social Cancelled
TBCDue to lack of numbers this will now be a ZOOM meeting. A link will be sent to members.
Due to lack of numbers this will now be a ZOOM meeting. A link will be sent to members.
Our next surplus sale is booked! Refreshments available and Prize Raffle. There is an access ramp for anyone needing it, and parking adjacent. If you need to use the disabled access please...
2024 AGM Calling Notice I am pleased to announce the date for the MFARS Annual General Meeting 2024. Date: Tuesday 23rd April 2024 Time: 7pm for 7:30 start. Location: Reserve Centre Cabin,...
Final prep for ILLW and collection of kit for the weekend
General discussion of what members interests are, and visit by RSGB Rep GM0OTI
We will be investigating the HF vertical antenna issues and changing Coax on vhf/uhf colinear.
We will be having a hands on technical session playing with Droid Star as a way to access the Brandmeister DMR network using your smartphone. If you want to set this up...
All welcome.
HF On the Air All welcome
Our next meeting will be at 7:00 at the reserve centre elgin. Practical session - prepare new VHF coax run from rg213 surplus coax for colinear. If condition are ok, change it!